EdTech kūrėjus kviečiame siūlyti sprendimus testavimui/OpenCall testbed

Kviečiame verslo atstovus teikti savo inovatyvius sprendimus nemokamam testavimui mokyklose nuo spalio iki sausio.

Sklandaus proceso užtikrinimui, prašome užpildyti pridedamą formą.

Tolimesnė informacija apie testavimo eigą, pradžią ir Jūsų partnerius pasieks vasario 29 d.. Išbandymo pradžia – kovo 1 d.

Kilus klausimams – skambinkite tel.  +37064137210, rašykite el. paštu justas.paulikas@nsa.smm.lt arba susisiekite LinkedIN (Justas Paulikas).

EdTech Center of Lithuania invites EdTech community to join new phase of innovation testing, where we aim to refine and enhance your education technologies and innovative solutions.

To participate, please register by the end of next week (18 th of February) and join this creative journey! Register here. 

Further information on the testing process, the launch and your partners will follow on 29 February. Testing will start on 1 March.

Opportunities: Test your solutions in a real-world environment and gain valuable insights into everyday learning and the needs of learners.

You will have the opportunity to understand how your solutions work in practice and how they align with the learning process.

Testing will allow you to improve your products, considering real needs and challenges.

Approved EdTech solutions will be integrated into the educational process, contributing to the use and improvement of education technologies.

Examples include interactive learning tools, smart digital content, and educational tools leveraging the latest possibilities in information technology.

If you have any questions, please call +37064137210, email justas.paulikas@nsa.smm.lt or connect on LinkedIN (Justas Paulikas).

We eagerly await your creative potential with excitement and anticipation.